
Inspection News

On 28th February the school was inspected by Ofsted and we are delighted to announce that they judged the school to be 'good' and 'continuing to make improvements' since the last inspection in 2011. A team of two inspectors visited lessons throughout the service and spent time talking to parents, students, governors, Hamwic representatives, education staff from home schools and our esteemed colleagues in the health service. You can read the full report on our website but here are some of the comments made in the report,

- ‘a culture where only the best will do for the children in your care’
- ‘Teachers rightly set high expectations for pupils’ learning’
- 'You put relationships at the heart of everything you do.'
- ‘Parents recognise that the school provides wide-ranging support for pupils’ personal development as well as their learning’
- ‘Pupils’ books show that they make good progress in a range of subjects’
- ‘Teachers provide pupils with personalised pathways through the curriculum that address their individual needs.'

I would personally like to thank everybody involved and am absolutely thrilled that the dedication, expertise and commitment I see in my team every day has been formally recognised in such an important way. What a team!

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