Accessing Our Classrooms

We will be delighted to welcome your children into our school, regardless of their medical condition, disability or level of mobility and communication needs. The Hospital School’s offer includes a combination of teaching at bedside or in one of our 4 classrooms within the hospital. These classrooms are situated in:

• Bursledon House (ground floor)
• Ward G3 (floor G of the main hospital block)
• Piam Brown Ward (floor G of the main hospital block)

All classrooms utilise technologies and equipment to enable participation and engagement from young people who may be non-verbal or have Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties. Young people will be accompanied by Occupational Therapists for activities such as cooking if this is deemed appropriate through the risk assessment process. Medical staff and/or therapists will also accompany children on all school trips off site. These trips are open to all of our children and we will ensure they are able to fully access any transport, sites or activities during the day.

Bursledon House

Bursledon House classrooms are on ground level and children in wheelchairs, or with other mobility said are fully included within all teaching sessions, unless medically unable to (this will be discussed with medical professionals within Bursledon House). Outdoor activities are also accessible to all, and we will work alongside the medical team to risk assess any such activities for each child. All children are able to access PE at least once a week, if their medical condition allows.

G3 Classroom

The classroom on ward G3 is a small classroom within the ward, fully equipped to be able to take a small number of children in wheelchairs or using mobility aids or medical equipment. Medical professionals will always be involved in ensuring access is suitable and fully risk assessed. In all classrooms we have equipment and furniture that allows for equal access for all young people. We ask that either a medical professional or yourself brings your child to school from their bed in the ward if at all possible. The floor is serviced by lifts if your child is in a ward on a different ward. If this is not possible, then please do request bedside teaching from our team.

Piam Brown Classroom

Piam Brown classroom is open to all children undergoing treatment for cancer and is able to facilitate the use of medical equipment necessary for this to continue whilst they are being taught. If children are in isolation in their rooms, we will follow the NHS infection control guidelines and provide education at the bedside.