
Referrals for the Outreach Service will be considered for pupils enrolled at a Southampton School in years R to 11 with medically evidenced health needs preventing usual school attendance. Admission to the Outreach provision is managed by a panel of professionals and led by the local authority’s inclusion officer for children with medical needs. The panel meets twice a month to review and consider each referral received.

The Outreach provision offered by Southampton Hospital School is provided as hospital education and thus all referrals must be accompanied by medical evidence from a medical practitioner, such as a consultant or general practitioner. Supporting evidence from CAMHS, EWOs and social services will also be accepted. However, referrals must be made by the child’s school and parental support must be agreed in advance.

The Outreach provision has a limited number of spaces, and referrals will be placed on a waiting list when the provision is full. Once accepted, each referral is then reviewed every 6 weeks to ensure progress is being made against the agreed criteria. The provision is established solely to enable pupils with medical needs to reintegrate into their usual school through a tailored program of one-to-one tuition at home and at school.

The outreach service is not a long-term substitute for attending school.