

Who We Are

The JEP comprises a cluster of seven schools around the Upper Shirley area of Southampton and is part of the wider Hamwic Multi Academy Trust group. Our group of schools has been working together for eight years and comprises Upper Shirley High School, Southampton Hospital School, Hollybrook Infant School, Hollybrook Junior School, Shirley Infant School, Shirley Junior School and Wordsworth Primary School.

Our Aims

We strive to provide an education which broadens minds, enriches community and benefits humanity.

JEP provides a high quality inclusive ‘through-education’ from 4 to 16 for overwhelming majority of children in our local community. We work collaboratively across the group of schools to promote a self-sustaining model of school development which promotes high standards and outcomes academically, socially and culturally. By working with other community groups and partners we contribute strongly to the building of the diverse and vibrant community in Upper Shirley. A community built on deep respect and trust.

We have JEP Leaders of Learning and network chairs who work across all schools with individuals and groups by running networks. The impact will be visible in the quality of education through all JEP schools.


We have established transition projects between Infant and Junior Schools and a literacy transition project between Yr 6 and Yr 7 involving a book study project that the children start in Summer 2 and continue at Upper Shirley High. This has given the children a ‘learning bridge’ to help them adapt to changes at secondary school and the continuity has given the Yr7 teachers a detailed understanding of the children’s reading and writing abilities so as to target gaps effectively.

2020 impact measures will:

  • Show lowest attainers make at least expected progress (for target group) as a result of the transition project
  • Students show high engagement and fluency in reading and articulate that the project has helped them prepare for their next stage of learning in all JEP schools (KS1 to 2 and KS2 to 3).

2020 impact measures will:

  • Close the gap in Maths (greater depth) for high attaining girls in comparison to Boys (nationally). This target has case-study allocated groups.
  • Ensure middle ability disadvantaged girls secure positive progress (EYFS/KS1/KS2/KS3/KS4) This target has case-study allocated groups.

2020 impact measures will:

  • Show that knowledge and skills in History and Geography at KS1,2&3 are carefully planned and sequenced so that students make strong progress.
Student and staff wellbeing

Commitment to students’ and staff mental health is a high priority for JEP schools. Led by the Southampton Hospital School,
we are working collaboratively on promoting and supporting good mental health in young people and professionals.

Key professionals from all schools get together to research and share best practice for helping individual children but also to develop the wider PSHE curriculums in all our schools form EYFS through to Yr 11. Shared experiences have already led to improving outcomes for some children.

2020 impact measures will:

  • All JEP students engage in a personal development pathway (through PSHE) which demonstrably builds resilience and strength in positive mental health
  • Teachers are confident in early identification of mental health needs and can effectively manage intervention for students at risk.
Cultural capital and collaboration

The JEP Concert in the Central Hall is a highlight of the local calendar. This is a celebration event which brings together all school choirs and orchestras and is led by our specialist music teachers. This is in addition to all the school based choir, orchestra and theatrical events put on across all the individual schools throughout the year.

The schools also contribute to other community events such as Friends of St James or through the local church communities.

Sporting collaboration

The primary phase schools have a year-long program of sporting collaboration for all children in Year 2 and 6, organised by our partners Team Spirit, which involves groups of children from different schools coming together for a variety of sports such as Tag Rugby, Football and Dodgeball. In addition, there are more competitive fixtures in Year 6 and all the schools participate in the wider Southampton based events such as Cross Country and Football. The Upper Shirley High sports leaders help run the Sports Days in the Primary Phase.

Our PE Leaders get together regularly to plan and discuss current initiatives to enhance in-school provision and by utilising external partners such as Team Spirit and the Saints Foundation.

Research collaboration

Schools have been working collaboratively and with Southampton University on an EU Erasmus funded Research Project. The children are trained as researchers into their own learning in their classes and through using a lesson study approach and establishing an open dialogue between the children and teachers modifications are then made to the lesson structures or the classroom environment. Teachers from across the schools have reported significantly changed attitudes of many of the children who have felt more confident, engaged, motivated and better supported.